Diagnostic & Preventive Services

Our diagnostic and preventative services focus on maintaining your oral health to prevent dental issues before they arise


Dental exams

Bonding can be a lower-cost alternative to crowns or veneers with predictable and effective results.


To help our patients achieve a whiter smile, Madison Lakes Dental offers both in-office and take-home teeth whitening.

Sleep apnea

Disrupted sleep from sleep apnea can lead to chronic daily fatigue that can affect your work and daily activities.


TMJ is a chronic jaw condition that leads to pain, tenderness, and frequent headaches.

dental exams

The American Dental Association recommends a dental cleaning and exam at least twice per year to maintain good dental health. Dr. Kevin Greene and the hygienists at Madison Lakes Dental provide a thorough dental cleaning and comprehensive exam, focusing on your specific needs and concerns.

Comprehensive dental exams include:

  • Dental x-rays as needed
  • Oral cancer screening
  • Evaluation of the gum tissue and supporting structures of the teeth (periodontal screening)
  • Examination of the teeth
  • Evaluation of the jaw joint
  • Personalized discussion of your dental health

In addition to contributing to good oral health, dental cleanings and exams are important to your overall health. Studies show a correlation between oral health and certain health conditions, such as diabetes and heart disease. The entire team at Madison Lakes Dental is committed to helping you and your family maintain good oral health for a lifetime!

Dental sealants

Dental sealants are protective plastic coatings applied to the chewing surface of permanent teeth. Sealants may be recommended when teeth have deep grooves that may be more susceptible to decay.

An examination of your teeth will determine if dental sealants would be a benefit.

Please note this when you request an appointment to learn more about dental sealants

sleep apnea

According to conservative estimates, sleep apnea affects over 18 million adults in the United States. Because sleepless nights can lead to chronic daily fatigue that can affect your work and daily activities, Kevin Greene, DDS, and the team at Madison Lakes Dental, Wisconsin, provide integrative sleep apnea care. If you wake up feeling groggy, snore regularly, or have poor concentration, book an exam through the website. You can also call to schedule a sleep apnea session by phone.

Sleep apnea is a chronic condition that disrupts your breathing patterns while you sleep. This serious and harmful condition can lower your quality of life. The most common type of sleep apnea is obstructive sleep apnea, which your dentist can help treat.

Obstructive sleep apnea occurs when the muscles that line the back of your throat relax, which causes your airway to collapse. In the early stages, you may find that you wake up because of your loud snoring as you struggle to breathe during sleep.

This type of sleep apnea may be associated with:

  • Narrow upper airway
  • Being overweight
  • Recessed chin
  • Large overbite

No matter what’s causing your sleep apnea, Madison Lakes Dental can help.

Sleep apnea is never something you should ignore, even if you think your symptoms are minor or infrequent. The team at Madison Lakes Dental encourages you to book a sleep apnea appointment as soon as possible if you experience any of these issues:

  • Daytime fatigue
  • Difficulty staying asleep
  • Poor memory and focus (brain fog)
  • Waking up frequently to catch your breath

Without proper treatment, sleep apnea can affect your work or school performance, make you irritable, and even lead to depression. Before your sleep apnea takes over another night of sleep, contact Madison Lakes Dental for an evaluation.

Because obstructive sleep apnea means that your airway collapses, keeping your airway open is critical. The team at Madison Lakes Dental provides custom night guards to help with sleep apnea.

Your night guard (also called a mouthguard or occlusal appliance) fits comfortably into your mouth while you sleep and holds your lower jaw forward. This effect opens your airway and keeps it open, so breathing easier while you sleep restfully.

Before you struggle with another night of sleep apnea, contact Madison Lakes Dental to get started on treatment. Book your sleep apnea exam online or by phone today.

tmj treatment

Temporomandibular joint disorder (TMJ or TMD) is a chronic jaw condition that leads to pain, tenderness, and frequent headaches. Because untreated TMJ can lead to joint problems and tooth erosion, Kevin Greene, DDS, and the team at Madison Lakes Dental, Wisconsin, provide the most up-to-date treatment solutions available. Click on the online scheduling tool or call the office to book your TMJ evaluation today.

Your temporomandibular joints (TMJ) are the jaw joints on either side of your face. These joints allow you to open and close your mouth and shift your lower jaw from side to side. Even though the bones, connective tissues, and cushioning discs that make up your jaw joints are durable and built to withstand great force, they can certainly wear down over time.

Some of the most common causes and risk factors for TMJ include:

  • Clenching or grinding (bruxism)
  • Jaw misalignment
  • Arthritis
  • Injury

TMJ disorders are sometimes linked to connective tissue diseases or deterioration that weaken your joints.

Prompt dental intervention is important when you have TMJ issues. Without proper treatments, your TMJ disorder can lead to joint dislocation, tooth erosion, and even fractured teeth, among other issues. The team at Madison Lakes Dental encourages you to schedule a TMJ examination if you have any of the following issues:

  • Jaw joint stiffness or lockjaw
  • Difficulty chewing or speaking
  • Neck pain or frequent headaches
  • Facial pain or tenderness, especially near your ears

You may also develop a grating sensation or clicking noise when you open and close your mouth. Even if they seem minor now, these TMJ symptoms need to be treated as soon as possible.

To treat the temporomandibular joint disorder, the team at Madison Lakes Dental performs comprehensive diagnostic evaluations. After gathering digital X-ray images, your dentist examines your jaw functions and discusses your symptoms with you to determine which course of treatment may be most effective.

One of the more modern treatments for TMJ is a set of muscle-relaxing injections. Muscle-relaxing injections relax your jaw muscles and are known to prevent chronic jaw joint discomfort.

You may also benefit from an occlusal appliance or mouthguard you wear while you sleep. This oral appliance, which is custom-designed for you, prevents clenching and grinding. A night guard is one of the most effective ways to treat TMJ and protect your teeth if you grind them while you sleep.

Madison Lakes Dental comfortable quality dental care.​


Mon – Wed  |  8 AM – 5 PM

Thur  8 AM – 3 PM

Fri  – Sun |  Closed

*Hours subject to change on holidays